Provincial Prevention Priority
By designing and implementing a range of prevention supports targeting known contributing factors – poverty, social isolation and more – Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) helps increase resiliency, self-sufficiency and capacity-building for participants, now and in the future.
Across a wide range of social issues and support programs, prevention saves money and lives.
By providing affordability programs, FCSS helps Albertans free up household income in a time when inflation and housing costs are on the rise. Providing information and referral to food supports, job resources, and other community discounts, people have more expendable income to support high housing costs. The result is a more housing-secure group of people and community.
Seniors and newcomers to Canada are more likely than Alberta’s general population to lack positive social ties and end up at greater risk of social exclusion. The risk of social isolation increases with age, but FCSS programming targets youth in our communities as well, ensuring the next generation will be housing secure, too.
Prevention Strategies
Along with the provincial priorities, FCSS programs follow the Government of Alberta’s prevention strategies – creating impacts across a wide spectrum of social challenges with interventions to help prevent housing insecurity and homelessness.
Learn how we bring these strategies to life through programming across Alberta.